Research reports

Crisis and Recovery in Europe. Labour Market impact on men and women in LiechtensteinPapouschek, Ulrike2011
Crisis and Recovery in Europe. Labour market impact on men and women. EGGE Second Thematic Report 2011, Network of Experts on Employment and Gender Equality IssuesMairhuber, Ingrid, Haidinger, Bettina2011
Heterogeneity and conflict: The waste sector in AustriaHoltgrewe, Ursula, Sardadvar, Karin2011
National Expert Assessment of the Gender Perspective in the National Reform Programme for Employment. Country: AustriaMairhuber, Ingrid, Papouschek, Ulrike2011
Praktika und Praktikanten/Praktikantinnen in Österreich. Empirische Analyse von Praktika sowie der Situation von Praktikanten/PraktikantinnenEichmann, Hubert/Saupe, Bernhard/Vogt, Marion (Mitarbeit)/Scheiflinger, Sara (Mitarbeit)2011
Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: BankingAdam, Georg2011
Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: CommerceAdam, Georg2011
Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: EducationAdam, Georg2011
Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Public administrationAdam, Georg2011
Social partnership in unlikely places: The commercial cleaning sector in Austria. walqing social partnership series 2011.1Holtgrewe, Ursula, Sardadvar Karin2011
The impact of the economic crisis on the situation of women and men and on gender equality policies. National Report [Liechtenstein]Papouschek, Ulrike2011
The impact of the economic crisis on the situation of women and men on gender equality policies. National Report, Country: AustriaHaidinger, Bettina2011
The provision of out-of-school care in AustriaMairhuber, Ingrid, Sardadvar, Karin2011
The provision of out-of-school care in LiechtensteinPapouschek, Ulrike2011
The socio-economic impact of pension systems on the respective situations of women and men and the effects of recent trends in pension reforms. National Report [Liechtenstein]Papouschek, Ulrike2011
The socio-economic impact of pension systems on the respective situations of women and men and the effects of recent trends in pension reforms. National Report, Country: AustriaHaidinger, Bettina2011
Übergänge im Lebenserwerbsverlauf von Frauen und Männern Herausforderungen und geschlechterdemokratische Perspektiven für ÖsterreichMairhuber, Ingrid2011
Umstrukturierungen im Krankenhaus und ihre Auswirkungen auf die ArbeitsbedingungenPapouschek, Ulrike2011
Verwendung personenbezogener Daten und Grenzen betrieblicher Mitbestimmung: Datenschutz in der ArbeitsweltRiesenecker-Caba, Thomas, Bauernfeind, Alfons2011
Active ageing and gender equality policies. The employment and social inclusion of women and men of late working and early retirement age. National Report [Austria]Haidinger, Bettina2010