
Research at the institute specialises in issues of work and employment. Within this clearly defined profile, it covers a broad range of topics and activities.

FORBA’s research areas deal with the micro level of the individual, social interaction and working conditions and the meso level of the organisation or network as well as with the macro level of the labour market and global economy. Research practice at the institute relies on a series of qualitative and quantitative methods. Special features of research at FORBA include its multidisciplinary character and openness to many forms of cooperation. Although grant-funded academic research currently predominates, the institute’s strengths also include contract and policy-consultancy research.

Research areas

Research projects

Project titleKey project staffStatusDuration
Das Arbeitsmarktpotential von Wiedereinsteigerinnen in OberösterreichBettina Stadler, Paul Malschinger, Daniela Aignercompleted04/2022 - 11/2022
Datenmonster Home-Office? Im Spannungsfeld von Daten-/IT-Sicherheit und versteckter KontrolleThomas Riesenecker-Cabacompleted07/2021 - 11/2022
Trendanalysen zur Zukunft der Beschäftigung in Wien bis 2040Hubert Eichmann, Matthias Posch, Nühübe Karacamcompleted12/2021 - 11/2022
Development of a Training Program for improving Inclusion and participation of Persons with Disability through Timebanking (AMICA)Bernhard Saupe, Philip Schörpfcompleted11/2020 - 10/2022
Provision of representativeness studies on the construction sectorGeorg Adamcompleted05/2021 - 09/2022
Veränderungen im Versicherungs-Außendienst durch die Digitalisierung der VertriebskanäleHubert Eichmann, Matthias Poschcompleted11/2021 - 07/2022
Consultation with regard to provision of cross-sectoral representativeness studyGeorg Adamcompleted11/2020 - 06/2022
Tackling undeclared work in the transport sectorBettina Haidingercompleted01/2022 - 06/2022
Peer Learning events in transport for the Platform Tackling Undeclared WorkBettina Haidingercompleted01/2022 - 06/2022
Social dialogue and collective bargaining in hospitals and civil aviation during the Covid-19 pandemicGeorg Adamcompleted11/2021 - 05/2022